a11 basic analytical mill
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IKA A11 Basic Analytical Mill

IKA A11 Basic Analytical Mill

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Batch mill for 2 different grinding procedures:
Impact grinding of hard, brittle or non-elastic grinding materials with high-grade stainless steel beater. This beater can be used for a Mohs hardness up to 6 (incl. with delivery).
Cutting grinding for pulverizing soft, fibrous materials with a cutting blade (not incl. with delivery).
– Moist and gluey materials can be pulverized by adding water
– Grinding chamber made of Tefcel (PTFE, glass fiber-reinforced) with stainless steel inlet (1.4571), useful volume 80 ml (incl. with delivery). For embrittlement of grinding materials with liquid nitrogen in the grinding chamber
– Optionally, a 250 ml grinding chamber is available



5.00 out of 5

1 review for IKA A11 Basic Analytical Mill

  1. 5 out of 5

    Rating by Eykal on July 8, 2012 :

    A “Ninja Prep” won’t do the job. Kitchen-Aid sells a food processor with a grdiinng attachment.Tips:Make sure everything is extremely cleanCut the meat you are grdiinng into pieces no bigger than 1-2 inchesUse or freeze your fresh ground meat right awayExperiment a little at a time by tossing your meat cubes in seasonings and herbs, a little at a time, until you find the ratio you like

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